
General Resources

Page history last edited by Robert Cooney 11 years, 9 months ago


This page is for general resources that could be useful for all three workgroups


The ABEM Milestones list: EM Milestones from ABEM.pdf


Systems similar to milestones have been used elsewhere (eg in Canada), here are some of their resources from Felix Ankel:

Canadian College of Physicians Assessment Tools Handbook.pdf

Ottowa Conference Criteria for Good Assessment_1.pdf

Practical Guide to Evaluation of Clinical Competence.pdf



A bibliography of resources from Doug Char: 2012.10.11.milestonesbib.docx


An evaluation card of resident chart review from Jeremy Branzetti. Chart Review Form.pdf


From Jon Heidt at Washington University: several evaluation cards

Comm-tech Nov 5.docx

Diagnosis Nov 5.docx

Obs reassess Nov 5.docx

Profess-account Nov 5.doc


From Marcia Perry at Univ of Michigan evaluation form

ED Evaluation Form - MedHub.pdf


From Mike Beeson: year-dependent evaluation cards, with explanations of how to evaluate

Emergency Medicine Milestones Evaluation Form PGY1 Eval #1.doc

Emergency Medicine Milestones Evaluation Form PGY1 Eval #1 Anchors.doc


Emergency Medicine Milestones Evaluation Form PGY2-4 Eval #1.doc

Emergency Medicine Milestones Evaluation Form PGY2-4 Eval #1 Anchors.doc


Evaluation tools from Moshe Weizberg

Community EM eval.pdf

EM eval.pdf

procedural sedation.pdf


Trauma crit care eval.pdf


Evaluation tools from Rob Cooney

CBAS program description.pdf

Donoff FieldNotes 1990.pdf

Donoff FieldNotes CFP 2009.pdf

FieldNote draft 2011 v2.doc

Ross Involving users 2012.pdf


From Sandra Craig at Carolinas Healthcare - a global evaluation tool for milestones

global eval.doc


From Danielle Hart at Hennepin County Medical Center:
The SAEM Simulation Academy NAS Taskforce is working on creating 3-5 simulation cases with validated assessment tools over the next year that programs will be able to use to objectively assess these competencies from levels 1-4: PC1. Emergency Stabilization, PC2. Performance of Focused History and Physical Exam, PC3. Diagnostic Studies, PC5. Pharmacotherapy, PC6. Observation & Reassessment, PC10. Airway Management, 16. PROF1. Professional values, 18. ICS1. Patient Centered Communication, 19. ICS2. Team Management, 21. SBP1. Patient Safety.
If you have further questions or would like to be involved in the details of creating these scenarios / assessment tools, feel free to get in touch with me at hartd000@gmail.com.

Comments (1)

Danielle Hart said

at 12:26 pm on Dec 12, 2012

From Danielle Hart at Hennepin County Medical Center:
The SAEM Simulation Academy NAS Taskforce is working on creating 3-5 simulation cases with validated assessment tools over the next year that programs will be able to use to objectively assess these competencies from levels 1-4: PC1. Emergency Stabilization, PC2. Performance of Focused History and Physical Exam, PC3. Diagnostic Studies, PC5. Pharmacotherapy, PC6. Observation & Reassessment, PC10. Airway Management, 16. PROF1. Professional values, 18. ICS1. Patient Centered Communication, 19. ICS2. Team Management, 21. SBP1. Patient Safety.
If you have further questions or would like to be involved in the details of creating these scenarios / assessment tools, feel free to get in touch with me at hartd000@gmail.com.

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