
Workgroup Members and Email Addresses

Page history last edited by Christina Shenvi 11 years, 10 months ago

This is a list of the members of each workgroup and other projects. You can add yourself to the list


General Organizers

Felix Ankel ‎felixankel@gmail.com

Doug Char chard@wusm.wustl.edu

Kevin Biese kevin_biese@med.unc.edu



Group 1: ED Care Based Milestones

Moshe Weizberg mweizberg@gmail.com  **group facilitator**

Richard Bounds Richbounds@gmail.com

Michael Cassara mcassarado@optonline.net

Janis Tupesis jtupesis@medicine.wisc.edu 

Jason Seamon Jason.Seamon@spectrumhealth.org 

Jeremy Branzetti ‎jbranzet@u.washington.edu 

Danielle Hart hartd000@gmail.com

Michael Bond mbond007@gmail.com

Joel Moll  molljoel@aol.com

Christopher Doty    christopher.doty@uky.edu

Sandy Werner  swerner@metrohealth.org'

Shawn London slondon@uchc.edu




Group 2: Procedural Based Milestones

Jenna Fredette jfredette@christianacare.org **group facilitator**

Vijai Chauhan chauhavv@slu.edu

Philip Pazderka Philip.Pazderka@med.wmich.edu

Jason T Nomura Jnomura@comcast.net

Takayesu, James Kimo jtakayesu@partners.org

Van Heukelom, Jon N jon-vanheukelom@uiowa.edu

Moreira, Maria maria.moreira@dhha.org

Chrissy Babcock babcock@uchicago.edu

Claudia Barthold cbarthold@unmc.edu

Kerry Mccabe kerry.mccabe@bmc.org

Sandy Craig sandy.a.craig@gmail.com




Group 3: Systems Based Milestones

Hopson, Laura lhopson@med.umich.edu

Douglas S Franzen franzend@vcu.edu

Steven Bird steven.bird@umassmemorial.org

Nestor Rodriguez nsrodrig@medicine.wisc.edu

Bryan Judge bryan.judge@spectrumhealth.org

Jonathan Heidt heidtj@wustl.edu

Daniel Cabrera cabrera.daniel@mayo.edu

Hans House hans-house@uiowa.edu

Cynthia Price ccprice@harthosp.org

Robert Cooney cooneyrr@icloud.com

Jeff Siegelman jsiegelman@emory.edu

Mary Jo Wagner mjwagner@cris.com **group facilitator**

Chadd Kraus kraus.emra@gmail.com



Other Projects:

Milestones Workbook

Rodney Omron romron1@jhmi.edu

Lynn Roppolo lynn.roppolo@utsouthwestern.edu


End of shift Evaluation Forms

Michael Beeson michael.beeson@akrongeneral.org

Teresa Amato amatote@gmail.com

Brian Cohn cohnb@wusm.wustl.edu


Smart Phone Apps

Janis Tupesis jtupesis@medicine.wisc.edu

Adam Rosh arosh@med.wayne.edu

jason wagner wagnej@wusm.wustl.edu

Leslie Oyama loyama@ucsd.edu

Sharon Griswold sgriswol@drexelmed.edu


Clinical competency committee (CCC)

Christopher Doty christopher.doty@uky.edu  **group facilitator**

Lynn Roppolo lynn.roppolo@utsouthwestern.edu

Jason Seamon  Jason.Seamon@spectrumhealth.org

Shellie Asher   AsherSH@mail.amc.edu

Jimmy Willis   jmw1423@yahoo.com

Carey Chisholm

Stephanie Taft

Kevin Rogers


Clinical learning environment review (CLER)

Marc Dorfman

Elise Lovell eliselovell@gmail.com

Felix Ankel felixankel@gmail.com *co-facilitator

Susan Promes

Gloria Kuhn *co-facilitator

Flavia Nobay

Janis Tupesis

Carey Chisholm




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